Are Modern Women More Stressed?

In the relentless pursuit of “having it all,” women today find themselves shouldering an immense burden—one that often goes unnoticed and unaddressed. The pressure to excel in careers, maintain a picture-perfect home, nurture relationships, and still find time for self-care has created a perfect storm of stress. This phenomenon isn’t just taxing; it’s a silent epidemic that deeply affects women’s mental, physical, and relational health.


According to the American Psychological Association, women consistently report higher levels of stress than men. This is true in most areas of a woman’s life:



The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that women have higher work-related stress. This is attributed to the unique stressors women in the work force face, such as gender discrimination, unequal pay, and the pressure to balance career and family responsibilities.



The Pew Research Center found that women experience almost 20% more stress than men when it relates to the demands of parenting.



Women are almost twice as likely than men to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression.



Increase stress results in triggering of hormones that can lead to elevated blood pressure, compromised immune function, headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, and even an increase risk of heart disease.


So, how can we begin to address this crisis? Many of us know the “right” answers to this question: setting boundaries, effective communication, setting realistic expectations, etc. The challenge isn’t as much knowing what will help; it’s knowing how to implement the changes we know we must take if we want to begin to find freedom from the hamster wheel of stress so many of us find ourselves on.


The Practical Tools for Busy Women panel event on July 11th intends to address the how that we all struggle to conceptualize. Together Amy Narusas, LCSW, Natalie Durda, LCSW, and Elise Scott, MD (all busy women themselves!) will provide practical solutions and tools women can utilize to reclaim balance.



If “comparison is the thief of joy,” (as eloquently stated by President Theodore Roosevelt), why do we continue to measure ourselves against others? Unhealthy comparison to others is a big issue I see in a lot of my clients (and let’s be honest, something I do myself). When doing some research about comparison and why we do it, I ran across an interesting podcast hosted by Jordan Harbinger. The podcast highlights why humans are apt to compare themselves to others, the different types of comparison, why comparison can be harmful, and how we can adapt our negative tendency to compare into positive motivation for betterment.


Why do we compare ourselves and why is it harmful? Comparison to others has evolutionary roots. Self-reflection can be motivating; sometimes we need to see what others are doing to know how to compete, learn, and grow. Social Comparison Theory speculates that we can’t really define ourselves without first evaluating others. The harm can begin when the act of evaluating ourselves or others becomes demotivating instead of motivating.


According to the podcast, there are three types of comparison; self-enhancement, self-verification, and self-assessment.

Comparison for self-enhancement is what we do when we walk into a yoga class and think “At least I am more flexible than that guy over there.” It’s used to make ourselves feel better about our own abilities. 

Comparison for self-verification is used to confirm what we already think about ourselves. Example: we agonize over the “better” clothes, car, vacations, etc. of a friend who we know has a different financial situation than we do. The comparison is used to validate the feeling that we don’t have enough or aren’t worth enough. 

But all comparison isn’t unhealthy or toxic. Comparison for self-assessment is geared towards curiosity and growth. Self-assessment asks, where am I now in my abilities or goals? What do I need to do to be more like someone I admire? This thinking shift relieves us of the toxic, growth-limiting beliefs that come from comparison for self-enhancement or self-verification.


So, how do we get out of the cycle of comparison that does harm? Next time you find yourself evaluating others, ask yourself, “Is this thought going to motivate me to change? Is it going to confirm something negative I already feel about myself? Or is it going to make me put myself in a higher position over someone else?” If you find yourself falling into the latter traps, reframe the thought into a curious question. Is there anything I can work towards to be more like this person? Do I need to drag others down to offer myself a confidence boost?


I recommend listening to the podcast for a deeper dive into this important topic. Maybe it’s not realistic to say you won’t compare yourself to others, but perhaps the shift to a self-assessment mindset can help you keep your joy. 








Book therapy with Amy Jackson, LCSW-MPH here.

LGBTQIA+ Resources

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.

— Brené Brown


As we celebrate our LGBTQIA+ community this Pride month, we can’t help but be struck with admiration. This community continues to fight hate with love, and has had the courage to own their story and love themselves – even when others try to invalidate them. This kind resilience, acceptance, and grounded sense of self is something we should all aspire to embody. 


That’s not to say that even the most self-assured members of the LGBTQIA+ community don’t struggle in the face of bigotry, wrestle with their identity, and feel out of place – finding themselves seeking a tight-knit community.  


At The Happy Hour, our door is always open to you, no matter how you identify or who you love. We have compiled a list of resources to help you find support and build your community in Nashville.


LGBTQIA+ Mental and Physical Health Resources:

  • Vanderbilt VIVID Health – A safe and welcoming place to find healthcare and resources for the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • Healing in the Margins – Cultivates systemic change and fosters healing by providing resources and programming in mental health spaces tailored to the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC. They sometimes run support groups, so it can be worth emailing to get on the waitlist for the next group.
  • Healing Umbrella – Also runs support groups for those in the LGBTQIA+ community. Their current group is for teens looking for support and community while navigating their identity.


LGBTQIA+ Social and Community Groups:

  • PFLAGPFLAG Nashville provides free support for parents and friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. They host meetings and events for both those in the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as loved ones looking to better understand and support. They hold space, encourage, guide, and assist as people work to understand what it means to be LGBTQIA+. You can also follow them on Facebook here
  • Mama Dragons – A national non-profit that provides support groups, resources, parenting classes and community for mothers of LGBTQIA+ children.
  • It Gets Better – A global non-profit organization who uplit, empower, and connect LGBTQIA+ people worldwide through storytelling educational resources and community.
  • Oasis Center – A Nashville-based community center that provides support for runaway and at-risk teens, via crisis intervention, community and youth leadership.
  • Gay Church – An organization dedicated to connecting God with those in the LGBTQIA+ community. It also has a nationwide directory to help those who would like to attend church, find a welcoming and Affirming Christian Church near them. 
  • Inclusion TN – Connects people, opportunities, and resources to enrich and enhance the multi-faceted LGBTQIA+ community. They promote justice and equity for our trans, queer, black, brown, and gold communities throughout the South by collaborating with those with a shared bold vision of a future where liberation is championed.


Crisis Support:

Banishing Burnout

I want to talk about a topic that is garnering lots of attention, but still lacks clear solutions – burnout. It’s on the rise, affecting an astonishing number of Americans with symptoms like mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion, decreased productivity, feelings of dread, and increased likelihood of being susceptible to illness. 


Frequently we hear about burnout being related to the workplace, and it certainly is. A poll conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness reported that upwards of 52% of people reported feeling burnt out at work. However, I think it’s more helpful to take a broader perspective, and consider that workplace overwhelm is just one part of the burnout puzzle. I have personally found that it’s also the mental load of being a parent, the hundreds of activities to not only organize for my family, but to also to be present for. It’s the desire to want to stay connected to friends and family who are important to me, which requires regular communication, planning and time spent together. It’s the responsibility of giving back to the community through volunteering to causes that I hold dear. It’s the need to carve out time that is just for me and my own wellbeing and development. 


Earlier this year, I felt myself teetering on the edge of burnout. Cue the imposter syndrome – I’m a LIFE COACH, I help people get out of burnout, how could I have let this happen!? Well, I suppose I am only human after all. I share this to illustrate that I do this work for a living, I practice what I preach, and I’m still not impervious to experiencing burnout. 


As a care-giver both in and out of the office, feeling emotionally connected to others is crucial for me – it gives my life purpose and meaning. When I noticed myself feeling emotionally depleted, I knew something had to change. 


I admitted to myself that I had pushed too hard, said “yes” too often, and miscalculated my time and energy. In hindsight, it’s a pretty honest mistake, and simply acknowledging my feelings felt like it lifted a weight. As our Medical Director, Dr. Frock said in a previous blog post – “it’s important to normalize and validate burnout so that you don’t spiral deeper into those feelings. Reminding yourself that it’s probably okay to feel what you’re feeling, and to bring some commonality to the situation, ‘If 100 people were put in this position, how many of them would likely feel the way I feel?’ Often, the answer is that 95+ people would feel the same way.” This all reiterated that I’m just a well-intentioned human doing the best I can to make the world a happier place. 


Next, I turned to my trusty tools. My favorite time management tool is the Eisenhower Matrix, which helps bring so much clarity and space to the never-ending to-do list. Framing my tasks this way is an instant stress relief, and I was beginning to see more clearly.


But, here’s where the big mindset shift happened. I regrounded myself in a quality over quantity approach that I had been veering away from little by little. How would my plan for the week change if I were to focus on the top 20% of my tasks that were most rewarding – financially, emotionally and mentally? It’s not a perfect science, and sometimes you can’t completely delete the bottom 80%, but it helped me to reframe how much energy I needed to spend on less critical tasks. Scheduling blocks on my calendar for those bottom 80% tasks, helps me to be able to create more space to focus on the 20% that truly mattered. 


All of this has cleared space for me to reground in my why personally and professionally. It has allowed me to feel re-energized, inspired, purposeful and connected to the bigger picture. Life has a way of teaching us lessons over and over again, and reminds me that no matter how much I am in the ‘teacher’ role, the role of student is perhaps the most important. 


7 Steps to Minimize Burnout: 

  1. Name what you’re feeling
  2. Normalize and validate it
  3. Bring commonality of experience into your perspective
  4. Prioritize your life/workload, delegate and delete 
  5. Asses – What are your top 20% most rewarding tasks?
  6. Schedule intentional time for the other tasks, and don’t let them creep into your top 20% time. 
  7. Reground in your Why



Building Healthy Habits for Mental Wellness

You have probably seen or heard lots of different suggestions on what to do if you are feeling down, depressed or anxious. I.e. “go outside”, “exercise”, “journal”, etc. It can be frustrating when we know the things to do, however, we just can’t seem to do them. Or we struggle to do them consistently. If you have ever found yourself feeling frustrated for “falling off” of a healthy habit, this is for you! 


First- Identify the healthy habit you are wanting to start.

Make sure it is small, measurable, and reasonable. 


Second- Identify why this habit is important to you.

Make sure your answer to this is personal and bonus points if you can identify what value it is aligned with. Try to avoid your reason being “because it is good for you” or “because someone told me to”. Yes, these can be the initial reasons, however, if the only reason we are doing something is because we “should” we are not likely to stick with it. Try to dig deep and find a personal connection to this habit/action. For example, if your healthy habit is to journal daily 1 positive thing and 1 thing you struggled with from that day. You might connect this with your value of balance or value of gratitude. By connecting our habits with a value, we have more buy in to continue to engage in the healthy habit. Another option is to align your healthy habit with a larger goal you have. This could be exercising or training for a race.


Third- Identify what time of day you are most consistent.

For some of us, we are most consistent in the morning because we have a morning routine we engage in prior to work. If you have a more fluctuating or busy morning, you might find more consistency in your evening routine. Once you have identified the time of day you are most consistent, pair your new healthy habit with an already established routine. This could be when you take your vitamins or medicine, or when you wash your face in the evening before bed. 


Finally- Be realistic with yourself.

You are not going to engage in your healthy habit 100% of the time. It is important to remember you are human. If you are too black and white, you will not be successful. If you miss a day, give yourself grace and re-commit for the next day. If we beat ourselves up for missing a day and give up, we are going to stay stuck. 


Remember, building habits take time. The more you connect and align with your habits, the easier it is to stick with it. Don’t forget you can always go back to the drawing board. If a habit is not working for you, come back to this and try again. You may have picked something too big or not aligned fully with your values. Start small, stay mindful, and you will succeed!




Amy Narusas, LCSW is drawn to helping clients process difficult events, find their meaning in life, heal from past experiences, and cope with anxiety, depression, and life transitions. She has a specialization in substance use and mental health and is trained in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAcceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy.


Book with Amy

Perinatal Mental Health

Becoming a Mom can be a beautiful experience of newness, bonding, and awe of this new little being and what your body was able to produce. And yet simultaneously this season can also hold unexpected loneliness and difficulty both physically and mentally.

Up to 85% of women experience mood fluctuation shortly after delivering, which can include increased tearfulness, anxiety, or irritability. 

This means that most women who have a baby have shared this feeling of overwhelm. For some, these symptoms go away on their own after a few weeks. Others of us, however, may not experience relief, and instead those symptoms don’t dissipate.


What is important to understand from this is that you are not alone. 


Perinatal Mental Health Basics

  • Psychiatric disorders are considered perinatal when someone experiences symptoms (even pre-existing symptoms) during pregnancy or up to a year after delivery.
  • There are several mental health disorders that can develop or worsen in the perinatal period including depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, or psychosis.

We’ll do a deeper dive into perinatal depression and anxiety here due to their prevalence, but if you suspect any of the other disorders listed above in yourself or someone else, please seek professional support.


Perinatal Depression

What is Perinatal Depression?

Perinatal depression is a decline in mood during or shortly after pregnancy that lasts longer than 2 weeks and is noticeable most days. This 2 week marker differentiates it from Baby Blues, the term for those less-severe mood fluctuations in the first two weeks after delivery. 


How do I know if I have Perinatal Depression?

If you have concerns that you may have perinatal depression, please reach out to your OBGYN, therapist, or psychiatrist to complete a depression screening.

Symptoms to watch for include:

  • Frequent tearfulness
  • Irritability
  • Hopelessness
  • Lack of motivation to complete every-day tasks such as getting out of bed or showering
  • Difficulty bonding with the new baby
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Lack of interest in activities that used to bring you joy
  • Suicidal thoughts


Perinatal Anxiety

What is Perinatal Anxiety?

Perinatal anxiety is persistent worries that interfere with everyday life.


How do I know if I have Perinatal Anxiety?

Similarly to a depression screening, your OBGYN, therapist, or psychiatrist can complete an anxiety screening with you.

Symptoms to watch for: 

  • Racing thoughts
  • Incessant worry
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Bodily tension
  • Shortness of breath
  • Avoidance of activities such as leaving the house


If any of this describes your postpartum experience, please know that there is hope.



What can I do about Perinatal Mental Health Disorders?

First and foremost, if you suspect you may be experiencing a perinatal mental health disorder, please tell someone- whether your doctor, therapist, friend, or family member. There are several treatment options for perinatal depression and/or anxiety, many of which are beneficial when utilized in combination with one another:

  • Therapy
  • Medication
  • Support groups 
  • Yoga and other body/sound work
  • Good sleep hygiene
  • Asking for help from friends and family
  • Utilizing Coping skills



  • Postpartum Support International
  • National Maternal Mental Health Hotline: 1-833-9-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) 
  • 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: call or text 988 if you have any thoughts of hurting yourself




Hannah Schonewill, LMSW is experienced in trauma, depression, anxiety, and perinatal mood disorders. She cares deeply about walking alongside mothers as they walk through all phases of the perinatal journey including pregnancy loss, the prenatal period, and the adjustment to motherhood.

Book with Hannah Here



What is DBT?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, is a type of psychotherapy adapted from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. DBT is a skills-based therapy that focuses on mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance. Through practice of DBT, we learn to accept the things we do not have control over and focus our energy on the things we do. 


The major players in the DBT world are Marsha Linehan, the original developer of DBT, and Lane Pederson, a psychologist who developed the first organization to certify DBT providers and accredit DBT programs. Dr. Linehan developed DBT after struggling with her own mental health issues. Dr. Linehan found that to build a life worth living, we have to practice both acceptance and changing our behaviors. 


Who can benefit from DBT?


DBT was first developed for the treatment of chronic suicidality in adults. We now have research supporting the use of DBT in adults with personality disorders, eating disorders, treatment-resistant depression, substance use, and a variety of other disorders. DBT is also evidence-based for the treatment of adolescents with various mental health disorders. 


If you are wondering, is DBT right for me? It is important to know that a formal diagnosis is not required for DBT skills to be helpful. If you are struggling with self-sabotage, unhealthy relationship patterns, struggling to cope with big emotions, poor impulse control, or engaging in risky behavior, or if you just feel like you’re getting in your own way, DBT might be just what you need.


When is it helpful?


The answer to that, from a DBT therapist, is always! 


DBT skills are often looked at as life skills. They are skills to help regulate strong emotions, build the ability to tolerate distress, engage in healthy and adaptive relationships, and build mindfulness skills for everyday practice. DBT can be most helpful when someone is struggling with managing and regulating emotions. 


Where is DBT offered in Nashville?


DBT can be offered along with other therapeutic approaches in psychotherapy sessions led by clinicians with the appropriate training and credentials. DBT is offered at The Happy Hour! DBT is most commonly offered in individual therapy and group therapy settings.  The skills are usually taught in session with a therapist and then practiced in your everyday life. Some DBT programs utilize Diary Cards to track the use of skills and severity of symptoms. 


For many, when starting out with DBT skills, it can feel difficult and frustrating when the skills don’t immediately click. I like to think of it as using a new muscle, at first it is difficult and hurts, but after time, it becomes easier and takes less energy to use that muscle. With DBT skills, we have to practice the skills for them to become effective and easy to use.


How does DBT work?


The original research on DBT supported a structured DBT approach to treatment, also known as standard DBT. Standard DBT was originally offered as a combination of individual therapy, skills group training, and client coaching. 


Through additional research and real-world practice, it was found that DBT is still effective in a more integrative approach. This means that you can see a therapist who practices a variety of modalities in combination with DBT in order to find the strategies and tools that both challenge and work for you. 




Curious to see how DBT could help you move out of your way, so you can live the life you know is meant for you?

Check out our upcoming DBT group, led by therapist, Amy Narusas.

Four Ways to Avoid ANTs when Dating

Think about the last time you went on a first date. Right after, where was your headspace at? Did this person all of the sudden become a really big deal?  Did you start planning your next date, your wedding, your life together?? Did you find that this person’s opinion of you has somehow become more important than you initially anticipated?


Yup, this is normal.


It’s funny how we can get ourselves wrapped up in a first date. Putting a lot of pressure on ourselves and the other person afterwards. 


  • What if I don’t hear from them?
  • What if they didn’t like me?
  • I wonder if we will go on a second date.


I’ve been guilty of these thoughts too, we ALL have. If it doesn’t work out, we are subject to feel hurt or think that there is something wrong with us – cue the Automatic Negative Thoughts (also known as ANTs)! Automatic Negative Thoughts or ANTs are a composition of internal narratives or ‘go-to’ thought patterns that compel individuals to interpret situations in unbalanced ways without examining the actual evidence at hand. In dating, this can look like you always being the problem. ANTs can come at all stages of dating, i.e., during the online dating chatting, while on the date, after the date, and at every stage of a relationship. Here are some examples: 


I’m boring, that’s why he isn’t responding to me.”

“She doesn’t seem to be into me.”

“If I looked like  ______ , or had a different _____, I would have more matches.”


ANTs can definitely ruin your picnic, but learning to challenge and overcome negative self-talk will help you to have a better relationship with yourself and be more confident in the relationships you have and desire to have.


Here are 4 tips to help you reground yourself if ANTs start to creep up after a first date.


1. Reality check: Check in, how does the actual person and their opinion stack up against the community and the relationships that you already have. Herein lies the problem: The idea of them meant a lot to us. The idea of my future with this idealized person meant a lot to me. The actual person? Well, that could be a different story. There’s nothing wrong with being excited about someone you’ve met. But there is a difference between being excited about someone you met, and being excited about the idea of someone you met. And it’s important to know the difference.


2. Keep it simple. The first date doesn’t have to be anything more than getting a coffee, going to a farmers market, or meeting for a walk (public places though!!) By setting yourself up for a familiar experience, you are also setting yourself up for a lower level of stress about what the activity itself will be. Therefore allowing you to show up as yourself a little more. 


3. Be a better listener. Remember, this isn’t all about the other person liking you, you also have a say. Listening and observing is the best way to learn about another person. Listen actively and respond accordingly. This is the path of least resistance to learning about the other person. Asking questions that are the result of active listening shows that you are interested in the other person. Look for the other person to ask you questions as well. The first date can be as simple as two people who have the mutual goal of getting to know each other better. 


4. Remember that you have just met the person. THIS. This right here is the key to being unbothered in dating. It’s a lot easier to stay resilient, keep dating, or avoid changing yourself for another person when you haven’t built up your dream future with someone after just a few dates. It is also a lot easier to avoid negative self-talk and navigate ghosting or bad date experiences if you remember that you are two strangers who have just met. Their actions are more of a reflection of who they are as a person, not you. It’s also easier for you to spot red flags and make good choices about dating this person when you can see them clearly (which you can’t do if you’re in your excitement and fantasy). 


Lastly, I would recommend having a solid community to help you through the dating process. Dating can be hard, and it can certainly make us doubt ourselves at times. Having close friends that can support you through it all is one of the best palate cleansers I can recommend. Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are, who will celebrate your victories and sit with you in the shit. This will help you see that there is potential for someone to love you just the way you are. 




Need someone in your corner while you navigate the dating world?

Our life coaches can help you actually enjoy dating again.


Better Relationships with Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

From the cradle to the grave, humans desire a certain someone who will look out for them, notice and value them, soothe their wounds, reassure them in life’s difficult places, and hold them in the dark.

Sue Johnson, Ph.D., creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy


Ah, Valentine’s Day. A day full of expensive dinner reservations, flowers, and candy, but often also full of expectations that may or may not be fulfilled. Often in my work with couples, I see unmet expectations from one or both partners, and the inevitable deterioration of connection as a result. As you may imagine, most couples’ dissatisfaction is rarely about the flowers or candy, but the absence of a feeling of connection, love, and being valued.


I recently completed an EFT externship at Trevecca University, and was blown away by the work of Sue Johnson and others regarding attachment, conflict patterns, and restoration of connection in couples. The intensive 4 day training reinforced a belief I already knew in my heart- that couples don’t struggle because one person likes to spend more money than the other, or one person leaves the dishes in the sink. They struggle because they are insecurely attached to one another and are not experiencing the connection humans are born needing.


So, what is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a therapeutic approach designed to enhance the emotional connection and security within relationships. It focuses on identifying and reshaping negative patterns of interaction, fostering communication, and ultimately promoting a more secure and satisfying bond between individuals.


How can Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) help me and my partner with our connection?

Think of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) as relationship magic. It dives deep into the emotional stuff, helping couples figure out their quirks and needs. EFT transforms the “weird tension” moments into a tag-team of understanding, so partners can communicate better and trust more. 


How can I get started on repairing connection with my partner?

I cannot recommend ‘Hold Me Tight’, by Dr. Sue Johnson enough as a starting point! Check it out here. Couples therapy is also helpful to bring in an unbiased guide to reconnection.





Book couples therapy and explore Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with Amy Jackson, LCSW-MPH here.

Surviving SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder

It’s that time of year again…where the cold, cloudy weather day after day seems to go on forever. When it’s time to start the day, you realize you have no motivation to get out of your cozy, warm bed. And later, you’re convinced it’s time for bed, but then realize it’s only 4:30pm.  As wonderful as this time of year can be, for many, it is a season for feeling down, depressed, and blue.


If you’re feeling this way, there’s a good chance you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD shares many many similarities with a diagnosis of depression, but is seasonal dependent, striking people around the same time each year, late fall/winter months. While it’s uncommon, some people do experience SAD in the summer months (called summer pattern SAD). If you are someone who is impacted, you’re not alone, about 5% of people in the United States experience SAD.


Scientists believe that SAD is caused by biochemical imbalances in the brain prompted by shorter daylight hours and less sunlight in the winter months. Also, as seasons change, people experience a shift in their biological internal clocks (or circadian rhythm) that may cause them to be out of step with their daily schedule. Sunlight impacts our serotonin levels, which directly impacts our moods. (Can you start to see a pattern?) For most people, SAD lasts about 40% of the year! That is a large part of a year not feeling your best.


So what are the typical symptoms of SAD?

  • Feeling sad or having a depressed mood.
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed.
  • Changes in appetite; usually eating more and craving carbohydrates or sugar.
  • Change in sleep; usually sleeping more.
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue (despite increased sleep hours).
  • Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., inability to sit still, pacing) or slowed movements or speech.
  • Social withdrawal.
  • Feeling worthless or guilty.
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.


The good news is there are a lot of options to support yourself when SAD occurs

  • Just like depression, SAD can be treated with both therapy and medications to help reduce symptoms.
  • Light therapy for as little as 30 minutes, can help encourage your brain to reduce the production of melatonin (hormone that makes you tired) and increase the production of serontin (hormone that affects your mood).
  • Vitamin D supplementation can impact mood, anxiety, and overall health.
  • Dawn simulators (devices that product light gradually like the sun) have shown to support people with SAD.
  • Essential oils like lavender, bergamot, and lemon could lessen symptoms by influencing the areas of the brains that is responsible for controlling moods and body internal clock.
  • It’s also important to stay consistent with a routine (same bedtimes, regular balanced meals, exercise/movement).
  • Take a look at your workplace set up. Are there ways to include more light? Also don’t forget to get out and move!
  • Reconstruct your thoughts about this time of year. How can you change your story around winter? Find ways you can appreciate the season. By identifying what you like, you can begin to create new pathways in the brain that are negative prone to positive.
  • Use affirmations to stay in the present moment and get you on the path to a more positive mindset. The more you repeat them to yourself, the more you will believe it.

Need a recommendation for a dawn simulator or essential oil? Check out our Amazon Storefront.


It’s important to note that SAD is not the “winter blues”. If you suffer from SAD, you notice significant impairments on your daily life so its crucial to get treatment. If you need support, make sure to reach out to a professional to get the help you need.


To help prepare yourself for this season, take a few moments to journal and reflect:

  • What am I most excited for in this upcoming season?
  • Who am I grateful to have in my life?
  • What aspects of myself do I love?
  • If I begin to have one or more symptoms associated with SAD, what will be my action plan to get the treatment I need? Which tools listed above resonate most with me?

Need some more ideas? Check out this blog, where our team shares some of their tips for surviving the colder months.



